5th Internet Revolution

    5G is the fifth-generation technology average for broadband cellular networks, which cellular phone companies began deploying worldwide in 2019 in telecommunication, and is the planned successor to the 4G networks which offer connectivity to most current cellphones.

    After the 4th industrial internet upheaval 5th industrial internet revolution is finally becoming reality and the long-promised benefits of cyber-physical industrial systems are within view. The year 2019 will be remembered as the year that true cellular connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT) finally got going. Nowadays not a week goes by without a new declaration of a new 4G NB-IoT / LTE-M network rollout. Yet the future for the industry is already moving towards the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication expertise.

    5G promises lightning-fast speed, barely conspicuous latency (or communication response time), and vastly increased capacity. All four major U.S. carriers have green-lighted test networks and partial applications in some cities.

The benefits of marrying the physical world with digital technologies have been debated for what seems like a generation. Many industries could use the intelligence gleaned from connected systems to advance critical insights about their operations and how to make enhancements that will make a genuine difference to their bottom line. While 4G is already generating dramatic improvements for industries around the world, it’s 5G that’s establishing the greater buzz.


    “In the future, everything is going to be transformed by 5G,” says Verizon CEO Hans Vestberg. “The step of technological change in decades past has been fast. The only thing we know for sure is that, in the future, it's going to be even quicker. We're going to practice a technological shift that will transform people, businesses, and society as a whole.”

Verizon is working diligently to roll out 5G on an immense scale. But what precisely is 5G? How does it work? How fast is it? And how will it change people’s lives?


    To understand 5G, it’s obliging to comprehend what came before it. Approximately, the first generation of mobile technology, 1G, was about voice. The ability to use a phone in a car or wherever else. The arrival of 2G announced a short-messaging layer piece of which can still be seen in today’s texting features. The move to 3G provided the crucial network speeds for smartphones. And 4G, with its intense data-transfer rates, gave rise to many of the connected devices and services that we trust on.

A debate around 5G technology is a discussion about bringing life-changing technologies through next-generation networks. And Verizon has the engineering practice and partnerships to move vast amounts of data at knowingly faster speeds than before.

5g is now available in many countries and providing their customers with the best internet experiences. It’s the fastest internet technology not just like 4G but it is wideband is not just another iteration of wireless innovation, It contains unique properties of the medium itself, the potential of the fifth generation of wireless technology demands that we reconsidered what can be done on a wireless platform.

By: Esha Shamim (01)



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